Cultivate Your Weird Sticker Set
The world needs your weird! Cultivate your weird with this limited edition Oyay collaboration sticker set.
Designs Included: packing peanuts for cushion, lots of encouragement, and a witness.
7 unique giant stickers!
1. Take a few moments to breathe deeply and be still. Clarity comes when there is Quiet.
2. Next, write down a list of what makes you unique.
3. Now make a list of your passions and interests, no matter how unconventional they might seem.
4. Choose to regularaly Engage in the activities that you're passionate about and celebrate what makes you unique. It's a practice. let your true self shine!
5. Expressing yourself takes courage so it's important to Surround yourself with supportive people who celebrate your individuality.
6. Practice self-acceptance and allow yourself to be curious and playful. There is no right answer. You get to make it up!
7. Remember, your weirdness is your strength—it's what sets you apart and makes you authentically you. Each time it shines, it's a gift to the world!